The Meteor Experience

23 Mar 2017

Meteor, as mysterious as the ones that fall from the sky

My experience with meteor was experimental at best and like a meteor from outer space, came hurling at me at 50km/sec. Just like it’s interstellar counterpart, meteor is exciting and mysterious. The development of apps using meteor is efficient once you understand the works. I would like to say that I have a love hate relationship with meteor. The incorporation of IntelliJ and GitHub definitely made the experience of working with meteor significantly better. The ease of switching branches and being able to work on code from different branches without having to open multiple files is a plus in my book; I don’t know how different the experience would have been without them.

I really love the simplicity of creating apps using meteor. Before I heard of meteor, I created a web search function with pure css and html. When I look back I realize that meteor would have made the job much more easier than it originally was. I do have an interest in the development of web pages and apps so being able to understand how to use meteor is good skill to have.

All in all, I would recommend meteor to a friend or colleague if they ever need ot create an app. If I ever need to create an app for a website in the future, I will definitely consider using meteor again. Indeed there is a steep learning curve, but once you’re comfortable with it, the limit of potential is amongst the stars.